West Hudson Arts & Theater Company kicks off its Youth Stage series of family-friendly theatrical events with Alicia, a bilingual adaptation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland written by Elaine Romero. Directed by Milagros “Milly” Gonzalez.
This production contains dialogue in both Spanish and English. Facemasks will be required for all audience members at all performances.
When Alicia is sent to her room for misbehaving, she’s convinced that her parents have no idea who she really is. She confides in her beloved hamster Alfredito, who suddenly escapes through a hole in the wall, and miraculously, Alicia is able to follow him all the way into Wonderlandia. On her journey through this topsy-turvy world she meets all sorts of fantastic characters, negotiating strange situations before finally returning to her room a little wiser.
Alicia is presented by special arrangement by Playscripts, Inc.
Tickets: $15 Adults | $12 Students/Seniors
Tickets may also be available at the door.
COVID-19 Guidelines: West Hudson Arts & Theater Company follows all current state and federal health guidelines. All audience members will be required to wear masks as well as any unvaccinated cast members, stage crew and volunteers.